Over the past couple weeks, I have been sick and I wanted to describe it and get the full experience as one who is sick. Since being sick is physical and mental, what better way to convey the inner feeling than to write while my mind is ... sick?
My Side of the MirrorI have been fortunate. I hardly ever get sick. And if I do, it is a small incident. It never lasts more than two days. But this all changed last week when I got really sick. I have it all. Couqhing, Sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, fever, hot sweats, cold sweats, inability to sleep, etc.
I am drinking lots of water. And, I am eating lots of oranges. My appetite is down, but not too down. I am just sick. And one has to be patient with sick. Much can be said for sick. It is the time of life when one has all the time in the world, but no motivation, nor much ability. Finally, I can get caught up on all those tv shows or movies I have been wanting to watch.
But there is something lost when sickness enters the picture. I can't watch things and enjoy them, because the whole notion of inspiration is to watch something and be motivated to go accomplish more.
Sick is a justification to do nothing, but rest. So, why all the guilt? Because I can still do most everything. I can wash the dishes and do the laundry. I can clean my room, but I am supposed to be resting. Sickness is kind of about being patient. One's body is doing all it can to fight off the invasion that has occurred. So, I try to arm it with all I can. Water and juice and fruit. I probably should add some soup in there too.
What is the aspect of sick that people should glean from it? Is being sick bad? Well, it is frustrating. I guess there is being sick, the sick attitude and then the person who, despite being sick, rises above it. For someone who does not get sick very often, I easily fall into the sick attitude. Leave me alone. Let me recover. It's almost done. I just need to spend every day walking around the house in my pajamas. Is all of this really necessary?
Perhaps it is. Maybe that helps us fall into the patience aspect of being sick. You're sick! Accept it! Mope around the house in my pajamas.
Or, is the sickness more a state of mind that one needs to overcome by mere will? Since this is the harder of the two, perhaps it is best to follow this train of thought for awhile. I have heard of people who are extremely sick but one would never know by how they behave.
Of course we all know the chronic types who are always sick and make sure that everyone knows they are. Are these people justified? Possibly. They have been dealt a bad hand. Others should know what they have to go through. Whether they are as sick as they think, there is no doubt that they are somewhat sick. We are not to judge. We are only to help and serve, try to empathize.
My side of the mirror in our bathroom is disgusting. I guess I brush my teeth in a very unique way that causes the toothpaste to splatter all over the place. I let it get this way and leave it there for far too long. This is sick. Sick behaviour. How hard is it to walk in the other room, grab a paper towel and the Windex and quickly clean it off? Not hard.
Sick ModeWith these new developments, there is light at the end of the tunnel. So, I guess I can stop being in sick mode, despite the fact that I don't really feel much better.
What is sick mode? It is the concept or the idea of being sick. The feel sorry for yourself mode. The lay around in your pajamas all day and not take a shower for three mode. It is the patience mode. It is the watch the lamest things you can find on tv mode. It is kind of like giving up on ever getting better. Not that one really believes that, but it is just part of the mode. It is almost like a role one is playing.
So why not just never enter sick mode? Despite how bad one feels, one should always take it that it will soon be over, right? Isn't the one who is in sick mode just making everything worse for oneself including those around them? I am arguing for the necessity of sick mode.
sick....I want to write about this sick experience while I am sick, because then I can truly give it the credit it deserves, or wants.
Being sick is such a deplorable state. It is the antithesis of everything one wants to achieve and do. It takes the body and turns it upside down convincing one that everything good is bad and everything bad is worse.