18 February 2008


With the help of friends everywhere, my Dad and I were able to get his website for his art business up and running. Various sites have been up for a few years, but we finally got the name changed and the site revamped. It is exciting to get a website together and have all the pieces there. It is nice to have a look that is appealling to people. At least I hope it is.

The one thing I have trouble with is that presentation. Initially, I had a site set up which allowed people to go into two different locations. One for Sports and another for Custom. It had many pages with paintings and data for each one, but the initial page was confusing. There was barely any information about the artist. Each page had the title of the work, a price, dimensions, Stats and his take. There was no shopping cart, so it was a little lacking there.

Then, I went through and designed a completely different site. And it took me a couple years. I drew it out and came up with a look and feel based on various subcategories, but I had a white background and lots of icons everywhere. I was fairly pleased with it when I got it up and running, but a good friend, T, who has lots of internet marketing experience told me to change it. He gave me lots of advice, basic pointers that I just have no clue about. Stuff, like having a black background so your eye goes straight to the painting and not to other spots. Have the website be the name of the artist instead of the business name. And, have a good bio, because people like that. They like to know more.

I realize that it is ongoing and even with all the changes, there is still more to do. I look forward to them, because it is all about learning the concepts.

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