10 February 2014

Don't They Know? How Could They Not know?

The other night we went grocery shopping with the kids.  As they ran around hiding behind the fruits and vegetables, my wife's heart rate visibly went up and embarrassment was palpable.  As they got in other people's way, they continued to not have any consideration for anyone else.  How dare they!  Don't they know?!

And not too long ago we were in line at a restaurant where the kids climbed on the railing and swung into other people.  They bumped into other people and did not say they were sorry.  They wanted to be held even though they are too big.  They cannot contain their excitement in being someplace where they can bother the most people possible.

We come home and they drop their coats right in the kitchen of all places or in their doorway.  Our daughter has to bring everything from the play room into the rest of the house.  Our son has to leave LEGOs in multiple locations as if he is setting up separate bases around the galaxy for his spaceships to fly to.

At the grocery store, I took the kids' hands and we calmly walked to the end of the aisle and turned.  When we were out of sight of Mommy, we cut loose and ran, screaming and going wild.  Well, I did that for one second and then caught myself because I'm a grown up now.  Instead we went and found the fun Valentine's aisle and my daughter got the toy fan caught in her hair.

At the restaurant the people who were bumped into were kind and said they didn't care.  We got through, found a table, and my wife and them blew their straw wrappers at each other.  Before long, they were all getting ice cream and toy volleyballs.

The coats, toys and LEGOs scattered on the floor are perplexing.  But I guess so was the fact that my kids couldn't dress or undress themselves last year.  I will understand this riddle one day.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would really like to see a part two to this blog written from your kids point of view.