18 February 2014


After sitting on my desk for months, the Moochiemeter finally has a box.  And a name.  It wasn't always the Moochiemeter.  In fact, up until 30 minutes ago, it was just a cheap multimeter.  But now, it is somebody.  Or someone. Or some thing.

Many years ago, when I was in high school, I took a math class which required an advanced calculator.  I think it came with some sort of cheap vinyl cover which would never protect it.  So, much like with the Moochiemeter, I created a small cardboard box which housed the calculator and gave it a name.  


I used Skankulator for a couple years until it was time to pass her on to my younger sister, who continued with the name and even told me how Skankulator was getting along.  I think Skankulator finally died.  A sad day I think.  I sort of lost track of Skankulator.  Other calculators had come into my life.  One even had a plastic case so I had no need to name it.

So now that Moochiemeter has a box, I should probably learn how to use him.  I did test some batteries with Moochiemeter.  They were brand new so they were good.

I am thinking of doing a little cheat sheet on the inside of the box.  Moochiemeter has a black and red wire, but the spots where they plug in do not have any indication on them of which one goes where.  Both of them have green lettering on them.  I think this is a sort of deterrent for idiots.  Since a multimeter deals with electricity, the more they can keep certain people away from it the better.  

Also, I know that putting the dial on certain settings while completing the circuit could possibly blow Moochiemeter right out of my hands.

It is kind of a big box and if I write small, I could probably get a lot on there...

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