21 September 2015

A Little Bit Louder Now. A Little Bit Louder Now...

Lately, I have been kind of loud.  In public places, I have had some loud outbursts.  It is partly because my hearing seems to be not so great.  I think about Austin Powers "having difficulty controlling the volume of my voice!"

It also has to do with social situations though.  I'm with a group of people and I want to say something, but all of us are competing to have the funniest thing to say.  And there I am with my funny quip, so I blurt it out, but then everyone in the restaurant stops and looks over at us.  The whole place has gone completely silent wondering why I just said at the top of my lungs: "Yeah!  I can't eat sushi without getting the runs!!!"

I was at church today and things are about to start and I suddenly turn to my wife and say: "Alright!  Let's do this!"  I know.  It's totally ridiculous to say that about church.  I suppose I look like I am gearing up for a city league basketball game.  Getting psyched up for the game all day long.  And now I am ready.  Let's do this!  That's why it seemed funny to me, but perhaps in my excitement, my volume was just a tad high.  

Being subtle and quiet was my approach at a much younger age.  Sarcastic comments which if no one heard was okay too.  As long as I could sit there and laugh at myself, then I was quite content.  

But life is different with a family.  It is a different role.  To be sort of obnoxious is a great way to entertain my children.

The other night my daughter brought me a Frozen book to read to her before bed.  So, I sang the pages of the book.  "Let her go!  Let her go! Don't hold her back anymore!"  I think Frozen being so contemporary and so insanely popular makes it that much more fun to mock. The whole thing is so ridiculous.  

So, my daughter laughed but didn't want the songs, so I changed it to doing the Elsa voice in a really annoying high pitched, hold your nose as you talk type voice.  This sort of gave me a different insight into it.  What if Elsa was ugly?  Would anyone care?  I know that is silly to say, because all the movies and stuff we love surround beautiful people.  And we just assume they have depth even though we only get to know them in the space of an hour or two...

But back to being loud and obnoxious.  Singing everything we are doing all day long has really caught on with my kids, especially my daughter.  And she has a pretty voice, with some actual range I think.  If Frozen teaches me nothing else, it is that everyday life is a musical.   We should sing about anything and we need to belt it out. 

- in a deep, ponderous voice -

I am folding la-aundr-dreeee.
Folding in to square - airs.
Four baskets fu-ull
Of wrinkled....