20 August 2008

The Horror... The Horror

I realize that, statistically, flying is very safe. And, aside from the uncomfortability factor of it all, it is a pretty fast way to get places.

One thing that a lot of people do not talk about though is the horror of crashing. Sure they mention the aftermath, but what about the whole notion of right before the crash? A plane full of people who know they are going to die. I think that could be a good play or movie. The many perspectives on the horror of the pre-crash.

What would that be like? Hopefully, I never find out, but to me that seems like the worst part. The actual crash would be quite instantaneous. But the seconds leading up to that...

I wonder if this is one of those things people are not supposed to talk about. Like loneliness. People never talk about being lonely, because the person who hears the lonely lament has to respond by being the person who is going to save the lonely person. This is totally ridiculous. I think people should be able to talk about loneliness. It is a rather fascinating subject.

In fact, I think it is more fascinating than the horror before a plane crash.


Amy said...

Did you know that there was a plane crash yesterday in France?

Also, you aren't lonely are you? You can always talk to me!! :)

Sidemoss said...

No. Not anymore.

Amy said...

When was anymore?

Sidemoss said...

Uh... Tuesday.

I guess I need to write a blog entry on loneliness now. I am not lonely now, but I am not afraid of it. I think living on my own without roommates really helped. It gave me more of a perspective of who I am and what I do... I recommend it for a lot of people. Not loneliness per se, but living on one's own.

Logan Barrowes said...

I'd like to believe that if I found out my plane was going to crash, I would spend my final few minutes preying on the vulnerability of a beautiful woman that happened to be sitting next to me.

P.S. I'm lonely and I need a beautiful woman

Me said...

Intriguing thought... I actually know two people who survived plane crashes. One of them, my childhood soccer coach, crashed near LA (I think) some time in the late eighties or early nineties, and he only survived because the impact of the crash had catapulted his seat into a nearby field that was yet far enough away from the inferno that followed. From what I remember, he seemed to cope well with the horrors that he must have experienced.

Not quite so the other person I know, who was then a member of my old ward: Every once in a while, but at least twice a day, she would all of a sudden be completely immovable and stare at some unseen spot in the room and soon start whining and mumbling in a way that would make your blood curdle.

I can only try to imagine what that must be like. In any case I would agree that what is usually regarded as the worst part--the crash--will not be much more than the end of horror for those who are on the descending plane...