15 February 2016

A Disney Conversation

+ I went to the Magic Kingdom.

- What?  You went to Great Britain?  

+ No, I went to the DisneyWorld Magic Kingdom.

- Oh well, why didn't you just say that?

+ Because I didn't think I would have to.  Wait!  You think Great Britain is the Magic Kingdom?

- Well, it's a kingdom.  Got Stonehenge.  Beatles are from there.  Kind of magical...

+ But you have heard of the term "Magic Kingdom" referring to a Disney related park, right?

- I guess so.  Seems silly though.  Aren't all the Disney parks magic kingdoms?  If King Walt were still alive, he could appreciate the wonderful taxes he has been able to collect on all his subjects.  And they just love it.  He raises the taxes and they still come in droves.  That is truly magical.

+ You are pretty cynical.  I felt like it was a quality experience.  Other than the food.

- Oh yes the food.  $15 for a hamburger.  $10 for a hotdog.  But what do you do?  Starve?  Why couldn't they just go easy on the subjects in that respect?  Can't they admit that the food is terrible and not charge so much?

+ I think they think the food is top quality and worth every penny.

- How could they think that?  The employees have to eat it too while on their lunch breaks.  Do you think they brown bag it?  What?  Goofy is sneaking in apples inside his little hat?  Alice has Capri-Suns hidden in her Drink Me bottle?  Dopey has a peanut butter and jelly in his hood?  Oh no!  They are eating the same quality food as all of us and probably having to take it out of their salary. 

+ Oh, that would be awful.

- The worst part is they probably make the employees buy their own food.  At a 50% discount they are almost paying normal price for that slop.

+ You sure have a low opinion of the Disney park experience.  Sounds like you wouldn't set foot in there ever.

- Are you kidding?  We have season passes.  I go every other month.

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