07 August 2016

Old Faithful Geezer

We just got back from Orangestone National Park.  It was really awesome.  Half a day is hardly enough time to be there.  We saw Old Faithful erupt a couple times.  I felt good that people clapped after it finished.  It makes more sense to clap there than it does in movie theaters...

We walked around this Prismatic geyser one too where the colours were out of this world, but the experience was not just in the colouring.  There would be these waves of steam that would overtake us.  And it was late enough in the day to be a little chilly too.  So there would be a chill wind.  Then, hot steam.  Chill wind.  Hot steam.  Then, it started raining on us.  Lightning in the distance.  And soon after that was hail.  What an experience!

I sort of wonder what the special effects crews just have to do to make these national parks so fun.  To build up that much steam, there must be quite a large generator buried under the mountain.  The previous day while floating in a raft, we saw a moose crossing the river with its baby.  As we were passing it and looking back I was picturing some guy behind the scenes holding the moose and its baby in a pen and releasing them at just the right time.  

And the moose looked so real.  How do they do that?

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