03 November 2007

The Illusion of Saturday

One of my favourite things to do in life is sleep in on Saturday. I guess I should not limit it to just Saturdays though. I like sleeping in most everyday, but since every other day of the week has some sort of responsibility associated with it, Saturday becomes the only allowable day to do so. I think coupled with this sleeping in concept is the idea of staying up all night on Friday night.

It seems that the last couple Fridays I have done this. And in doing so, I have watched some rather silly shows. Having a DVR makes life much more simple. No, it is not simple, just convenient. Actually, that is not the right word either. The word I think I am looking for is... Let's come up with that word based on these ideas.

1. Pointless shows which would have been better to miss.
2. Time wasted watching contrived plots.
3. A feeling that you owe the tv/satellite your time because you pay so much money to have it.
4. Wishing that you could be reading books instead of painfully viewing society's garbage.
5. Putting off an assignment I have for work until the last minute.
6. As a positive note, there is an escape associated with silly tv shows.
7. Catching up with all of my recordings.

So the word has to do with the idea of saving lots of time and effort throughout the week for one particular night in which the flood of all waste gets absorbed. It is sort of a catch-all concept based on unfulfilled escape during the week. Maybe we could combine two words to make this work. Trash pickup? Garbage Day?

Well, I need to go back, because trash and garbage imply that I do not like what I watch and part of the problem is that I do like it. I do like the characters and their horrible plots and their interaction with the oddities of life. A term that they use for music which one loves to hate is: guilty pleasure. So, we need to combine the idea of leaving the garbage out for the trash man to pick up once a week with the fact that the truck likes the trash he is picking up and later dumping out.

Perhaps, I should just pick the show which best represents this love/hate relationship. The shows I watch are CSI, CSI Miami, Numb3rs, Life, Journeyman, Survivorman, The Office, Scrubs, My Name is Earl, Law and Order SVU, etc. Numb3rs is probably the worst out of them all, but SVU is the one I have the least interest in watching. Maybe I could just call it Subtraction (or Subtraction Night), since that does have a mathematical concept in it and we are subtracting shows from the DVR list. Also, I am subtracting knowledge from my head since I do become dumber after watching them. And, I am subtracting time from more worthwhile projects and endeavours. Not to mention that sleeping in on Saturday subtracts from the only non-work day of the week.

I like it. Subtraction.


Deb said...

I like your logic! Made me laugh this morning. Thanks!

Terence said...

At least with Numb3rs you get a taste of a complex concept that then pushes you to research it more and expand your overal knowledge. For me though, putting up with those plots and Mr. NE (aka mini-WA) and Mr. Taxi was not worth those tidbits of knowledge...I had to part ways and delete the Season Pass after 2/3 of the first season.