09 November 2007

May I Introduce...

We got ourselves a dog this week and it is killing me that we cannot let him in the house. I think it is killing him too. He really wants to come in. Unfortunately, I am in no position to even have him come downstairs with me as my newfound (last 10 years) allergy to dogs has taken root. Also, he is fairly big and has been known to be a little slobbery.

The dog's name is Forrest and he has been a friend of mine for almost as long as I have known my wife. He came with us on the family campout last year and was a pretty easy going dog. Once he knew that everyone else was essentially sleeping outside he no longer had any jealousy and just enjoyed everyone else's company.

So the last couple days I have been familiarizing him with the neighborhood. My contingency is that if he happens to get out of the yard then he will be able to find his way back when he recognizes certain landmarks. Dogs are like teenagers. They escape when one is not looking and then go hog wild, chasing cats, eating garbage, sniffing butts, etc. Well, sort of like teenagers... But eventually they have to come home. So, they slink back after you call them and as they walk in the gate, that is when you give them a swift kick in the butt.


Fortuna Watt said...

That is neat that you have Forrest now. Just wanted to let you know that I look forward to seeing you guys soon and really enjoy your blog. Its like getting to read your notebook again!

McKenna said...

I am glad to know that my Forrest is no longer in danger of starving to death, or being kicked out and taken to a strange shelter where he could be selected by a strange family(similar to the Griswald Uncle in Christmas Vacation.) He is in good hands.