04 February 2014

We Better Get Going If We're Going To Stay Ahead of the Weather

Even though I have seen it hundreds of times, I still feel bad that somehow I didn't watch Groundhog Day on February 2nd again this year.  How did it get past me?  

"Sweet vermouth on the rocks with a twist."

The aim for me is that watching Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day should eventually be like Phil Connors living Groundhog Day over and over.  I am just not sure it has reached that point yet.  There is still meaning when I see it.

"Did you know he could ice sculpt?"

My friend recently gave a talk on Groundhog Day and discussed some concepts about it.  The idea of the movie is great and its director, Harold Ramis, was shooting for a Buddhist concept.  Living the same day over and over again is much like what we live.  I go to work each day, run into the same people, stare at the same computer.  What really changes each day?  Did I make an effort to be in the right places at the right times to serve others?  Probably not.  Or not as much as I should.  But then, I was supposed to be working.

"On me, Larry, in three..."

What about learning how to play the piano?  Just taking the time to learn something new.  I have an hour a day to get something out of life.  Or even 15 minutes.

I have heard that people have a better chance against Alzheimer's if they learn another language or keep their mind more active.  Maybe that is just a bunch of hype, but do I want to be the guy who watches Jeopardy each night and knows all the answers before the questions are even asked?  Or do I want to be writing silly observances on life on my computer?  Or do I want to know everyone in town and what their story is?

"I Only Drink To World Peace"

I may hit the point of being sick of Groundhog Day.  I never thought I would be sick of the Burbs,  but this past Halloween I was done.  I couldn't do it anymore.  Kind of sad.

"Hey Phil!?  Phil Connors?  I thought that was you..."

Ned Ryerson still speaks to me.

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