26 January 2008

Not So Sly...

I don't get it. I really don't. What is with Sylvester Stallone doing Rocky and Rambo lately? Are these really such endearing characters that we have to see them again? What is wrong with creating something new, Sly? What is with our stupid sequel-oriented society? All we do is watch sequels. All they give us is sequels.

People who love making money probably think sequels are just the best thing ever. They probably marvel at the idea. How brilliant. Some movie company happened to make something that we enjoyed once, so they are just going to give them the same thing over again and demand our money. Then, they are going to give it to us again and again and again.

Look at the movie, Jaws. What a great movie. Then, look at the sequels! How embarrassing! Yet, the sequels probably made so much money that they dwarfed the original! But, they are such forgettable movies. Spielberg had no interest in a sequel. He made the movie. That was the movie. He killed the shark. Why would another shark come to the same cold water? Why would the shark have the same theme music? But yet the producers guessed right. All they needed to have was some scared kids in sailboats out in the middle of the ocean and there is our Jaws movie.

Think about this formula. Someone comes up with a creative movie. And, people go to see it and it makes all kinds of money. Then, the producers are thinking sequel. So, they bring back as much as they can from the original. But wait! We are going to have in this one a funny little Asian kid as Indy's sidekick. Or, we will have the Karate Kid be a girl. That will really throw them. So, there is no art left in it at all. It is just the constant pandering of these studios trying to target the audience.

And they wonder why people aren't going to movies anymore. The creativity is not there. They are not bringing us anything. They just regurgitate the same formulas. If movies cannot bring us a new, fun experience, then maybe they need to change. And I hate to say that because I love movies.

1 comment:

McKenna said...

I second that! Sure it seems as though going to veiw characters you know and love may be exciting, but once you leave the theater you realize you just watched the original, reincarnated. You may as well have saved money and stayed home to watch the original. I think Pirates is a classic example of sequal distruction. I would ask you to name one punch line in the sequal that was not in the first film. It seems they didn't even care to re-write the script.
How cheap!